Man? Man is a social animal, yeah. Bob hangs out with a lot of people. When Bob coughs, no one notices ( unless he does that on someone's face) when Bob sneezes, he instead gets a "bless you!" while he liberates thousands of bacteria in that one sneeze! BUT, if Bob farts...well, he most certainly does not get an applaud for that.
You know it's funny, an average person farts at least 10-15 times in a day! Does that average person sneeze that many times a day? Get over the 'oh, eww he has a gas problem!' statement haters, you have it too. Infact, gastroenterologist's say, farting is a proof that you are eating healthy.
But cannot ignore the stigma (and smell) so yes, farting is still going to be embarrassing, people! When you step up into an international flight, you definitely cannot suppress the beast for that long! Also excess flatulence may point out to some underlying abnormality of your gut. So here I am, with the SIMPLE FART PREVENTING SOLUTIONS!
You know it's funny, an average person farts at least 10-15 times in a day! Does that average person sneeze that many times a day? Get over the 'oh, eww he has a gas problem!' statement haters, you have it too. Infact, gastroenterologist's say, farting is a proof that you are eating healthy.
But cannot ignore the stigma (and smell) so yes, farting is still going to be embarrassing, people! When you step up into an international flight, you definitely cannot suppress the beast for that long! Also excess flatulence may point out to some underlying abnormality of your gut. So here I am, with the SIMPLE FART PREVENTING SOLUTIONS!
Imagine your gut to be a long pipe of vaccum. The only way gas could enter that vaccum is either from outside (swallowing) or the gas that is produced by the bacteria residing in our gut on the food that we eat. The complex carbohydrates, fruits, high fiber, high protein food that keeps us fit, produces the gas. But wait, that does not mean you stop having those! Here's a list of food items you should avoid having, to reduce your 'booty bomb' ( personal favorite euphemism!)- Beans
- Onions
- Noodles, potatoes, corn, wheat ( rice is the only starch that does not produce gas)
- Dark beer
- Chewing gums
- Avoid swallowing air : Drink and eat slowly, avoid tobacco, chewing gums, hard candies, carbonated drinks.
- HOME REMEDIES: A study has shown that eating peppermint or/and ginger with water or yogurt after your meal, reduces the gas production considerably.
- Identify what food items make you more prone to excess bombing. Products like milk, cheese may cause excess flatulence if you are LACTOSE INTOLERANT.
- STOP SMOKING: Not only it causes a smelly breath but a smelly fart too.
- AVOID EXCESS SWEETS : Foods containing fructose contributes to the bombing.
- Over-The-Counter ANTACIDS : have shown to reduce flatulence.
- ACTIVATED CHARCOAL STRIPS : these are the underwear strips that absorb the foul smell producing gases from your fart but may not guarantee a sound proof.
- EXERCISE : like I always say, exercise always solves all the problems! Gas pressure is relieved when you work out, prevents bloating up your abdomen. ( Always better to fart in the gym than the work place, always!)
YOGA : This solution needs a special mention as it works MAGICALLY against flatulence. Various 'asanaas' are specially targeted to release the caught up gas in your gut.
BURPING or BELCHING as they call it, may be included under flatulence but the main cause of that is, swallowing too much air. It is more after meals indicating replacement of stomach air by food. But excess burping may also point to various diseases like peptic ulcer, GERD, gastroparesis. So, excess burping accompanied by abdominal pain, vomiting, loose motions should not be ignored!
Post scripting: Farting is super normal guys, just make sure it doesn't make the other person want to stop breathing. Point being, yes, Bob farting in public was wrong, but at least he is eating healthy! ;)
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