'Cancer' is one condition that every person has curiosity about. The fact, that it most certainly kills, yet there's very little the general population knows about it, is really mournful.
Till before the late 20th century, cancer was considered nothing less to a death sentence. But soon, awareness and advancement in oncology gave people suffering from cancer, a hope!
Till before the late 20th century, cancer was considered nothing less to a death sentence. But soon, awareness and advancement in oncology gave people suffering from cancer, a hope!
Slowly, cancer was then being considered survivable, and no matter how long the cancer patients survived, this fact alone gave them the yearn to walk past this dreaded disease with dignity.
BUT, there's more truth to this. While I was researching about this topic out on the web, I came across some facts that were no less to a shocker for me. The statements that I'll be stating below are not just facts but quotes by the FRED HUTCHINSON CANCER RESEARCH CENTER, SEATTLE about,
- Cancer death rates are almost unchanged for the past 80 years except, stomach cancer.
- Death rates due to breast, colon, prostate cancers are not just unchanged but increasing with time.
- No money is being spent on cancer prevention research inspite of falling survival rates of cancer patients.
- Cancer drug industry is one of the billion dollar profit industries with chemotherapy costing up to 10 to 20 lakhs per patient and negligible survival rates.
- More serious study has shown, chemotherapy causes healthy cells of the patient to secrete a protein that sustains cancer tumor growth and creates further resistance to the drugs. This makes the chemotherapy improve the patient's condition initially and later, deteriorate faster.
Do you still think the cancer drug industry is worried about the failing rates of chemotherapy or are they busy inventing more profitable drugs?
Let me be more blunt about this, cancer TREATMENT and NOT cancer CURE, is the main objective of the cancer industry, for obvious reasons.
The fact that not all cancer health workers are involved in this sinful act cannot be denied but when something wrong happens, it is also because the good wasn't compliant enough to suppress it.
The fact that not all cancer health workers are involved in this sinful act cannot be denied but when something wrong happens, it is also because the good wasn't compliant enough to suppress it.
Ending the blame game, as it is often said that pointing out the vaccum isn't enough but filling it is. So, let's learn about the little changes in our lifestyles that can make our lives not just cancer free but, also from a long list of other degenerative diseases like diabetes, arthritis, hypertension and heart conditions.
Not many researchers believe that all the cancers are preventable, but a lot of them say that only 5% of all the cancers are inherited. Which means rest 95% cancers are caused because we did or did not do something!
Cancer is the growth of your own body cells in an uncontrolled manner. The cells grow haphazardly and damage the surrounding normal cells. This is caused because of 2 things :1) Either because the growth stimulator is in excess.
2) Or because the growth suppressor is deficient.
- A lump or hardened area in the breast.
- A change in a wart or mole.
- A persistent change in bowel habits i.e constipation- diarrhea cycle.
- A persistent cough or hoarseness of voice.
- Excessive loss of blood at the monthly period.
- Blood loss from any natural opening of the body.
- A swelling or sore that does not get better.
- Unexplained loss of weight.
- Smoking or tobacco in any form.
- Excessive Alcohol consumption. (1 drink for women and 1-2 drinks for men is not a problem!)
- White refined sugar and products containing it like syrups, sweets, colas etc. (To be strictly avoided by Diabetics.)
- White refined carbohydrates like white flour (maida), white polished rice, white pastas and its products.
- Synthetic products like artificial sweeteners which are in abundance in diet colas, ice creams, sweetened cereals and products that claim less calories.
- Burnt barbecued meat is a cancer causing product, should be strictly avoided.
- Excessive exposure to environmental pollutants like passive smoking, industrial pollutants.
(Use face masks while heading out in early winter mornings, the smog= smoke+fog is extremely dangerous especially for asthmatics)
- Use of refined oils like soybean, cottonseed oils.( Please take out a few seconds and look for the word 'partially hydrogenated' on the packs and avoid those.)
- Obesity. Try to keep your body mass index (BMI) below 25.
( BMI = weight/ (height* height) in meters )
- Replace White sugar by STEVIA leaves (naturally sweet leaves), coconut crystals or raw honey.
- Replace White flour by whole grain flour like whole wheat, whole bajra, whole jowar, whole ragi (nachni).
- Reducing the salt consumption to 1.5-1 teaspoon per person per day.
- Maintaining normal iodine levels plays a major role in cancer prevention of thyroid, breast and prostate. Regular blood testing should be done.
- Maintaining your immune system can fight of all the cancerous cells produced in the body and that can be done just by taking a balanced diet and avoid CRASH DIETS,YOU NEED CARBOHYDRATES!
- Consumption of fresh fruits and yogurts instead of canned juices and flavored yogurts. It reduces the intake of synthetic sweeteners and flavored esters.
- Regular screenings for cancers prevailing in the family like breast, colon, kidney cancer should be done, to catch the budding cancer at an early stage and to remove it completely.
- Vaccines should be take taken for cancers like cervical cancer, liver cancer (hepatitis b).

Not all cancers kill. There are two varieties of them, BENIGN AND MALIGNANT. The benign ones are harmless if caught early and removed and so the abnormal lumps in the body should be detected early and surgically removed. Remember, if these benign masses are ignored, they may further become malignant and the chances of survival reduce to a considerable extent.POST SCRIPTING : Cancer sure is life threatening, but by being a tad bit more careful about your body and following the above measures you can drive that little possibility of getting cancer out of your lives.
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