Talking about constipation may not be the most glamorous thing in the world but it sure is a necessity nowadays where the Indian palate is getting highly dominated by the western over processed foods. Plus, constipation becomes an important issue once you enter the 6th decade of your life. All of us have had constipation sometime or the other in our lives yet, we prefer not talking about it. Most of you will agree when I say, early morning flights or travel plans almost always, brings along this friend of his called constipation.
More than a disease/disorder, patients often describe constipation as a feeling of discomfort persisting throughout the day, sometimes affecting their daily activities considerably.
But the silver lining is, it is totally avoidable also treatable so, here I am with another DocYou template telling you'll the causes and simple steps in preventing and treating CONSTIPATION.
When should you call yourself constipated?
Doctors often say if you pass at least 3 stools in a week, it is normal. But, if your gut is following a particular pattern for years together and suddenly, if there's an irregularity or absence of a stool motion which gives you that typical discomfort, you can call yourself constipated.Also if you pass abnormally hard stools or if you experience pain while passing stools or require manual maneuvers while you defecate, you need help!
- Poor nutrition including a low fiber diet.
- Low vegetable diet.
- Dehydration.
- Over consumption of processed and/or constipating foods.
- Sedentary lifestyle.
- Stressful routine including lack of sleep.
- Physical inactivity.

- IGNORED/ UNDIAGNOSED FOOD INTOLERANCES: like lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance etc.
Constipation has this vicious cycle because more and more water re-absorption takes place if the digested food stays in your large intestine for longer than it should be, making the stools hard and more difficult to expel.
- DRINK WATER : You should at least drink 2.5-3 liters of water everyday (8 glasses). 80% of the population suffers from constipation because they don't drink enough of water. Lukewarm water, even better!
- DIETARY FIBERS ARE LOVE : These are like those little angels for people who complaint of chronic constipation. Whole grain breads (wheat, bajra, jowar, ragi), brown rice, plenty fruits and vegetables, nuts, berries, pulses contain high amounts of fibers. The more you eat refined flour products like white breads, white rice, white pastas, the more you miss out on your fibers.
- SET A BATHROOM ROUTINE : .Each morning, set aside 10-20 minutes to sit quietly on the toilet, even if you do not have a bowel movement. You are re-training your gut and your nervous system to relax at this time. Avoid suppressing the urge when you are not at home, you have the will, you'll sure find a way!
- EXERCISE REGULARLY : If sedentary lifestyle is a prime cause of constipation, exercise is its only solution. Exercise always sets everything right, always!
- TEST FOR ANY FOOD INTOLERANCES : like gluten, lactose. If the constipation continues inspite following the above key solutions, this is your next best shot.
- SAY NO TO UNNECESSARY ANTACIDS : Antacids containing aluminum are not tolerated by some people. Change the antacid or avoid consuming it if it is manageable.
- CHECK YOUR THYROID LEVELS at regular intervals.

- Drink 2-3 glasses of lukewarm water.
- Laxatives like psyllium husk in one glass of water.
- 2-3 spoonful flax seed oil.
- Eat plenty berries available.
Laxatives are definitive constipation relievers.
Are they suitable for long term use? Some are.
Lets put it this way, there are these harsh ones and gentle ones. The ones which increase the bulk of your stools and soften it are gentle on your gut like PYSILLIUM. The others are harsh on your gut like the milk of magnesia, dulcolax, etc which cause electrolyte imbalance and should not be used often. Psyllium husk laxatives can be used for long term without any side-effects.
These laxatives work faster when taken on an empty stomach.
Is chronic constipation dangerous?
We often don't take constipation seriously as it rarely causes pain or any serious symptom. But the fact is, chronic untreated constipation may cause a spectrum of diseases starting from hemorrhoids to colon cancer.the reason, simple, our large intestine is designed to carry a certain amount of stools for a certain period only. An increase in the volume for prolonged periods, acts as an irritant causing innumerable intestinal diseases.
And Second, it may become a source of infection for the various genitourinary infections (reproductive and urinary tract) especially for females.
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